Tuesday, , October 3, 2023
10:00 am - Anthem Center Delaware Room
Roberta Fernandez, BCH
Hypnosis is a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration. It also is called hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is usually done with the guidance of a healthcare provider using verbal repetition and mental images. During hypnosis, most people feel calm and relaxed...
Join Roberta Fernandez, a board-certified hypnotist and certified hypnosis instructor, to learn what hypnosis is and is not. You’ll learn the roles of the conscious and subconscious mind, the Four Laws that govern your mind, and how to use this knowledge to your advantage. You’ll also learn a quick and easy way to calm your mind and body. Those who attend in person will receive a gift.
The views expressed in our presentation are those of the speakers and do not reflect the views of the Club or SCA. Products are not endorsed.
- If you have an interesting subject that you would like to present, we encourage you to do so. Our club leaders are happy to help you put the talk together, including help with PowerPoint presentations and videotaping. If you would like to present, please get in touch with Jackie Carroll at j.carroll@verizon.net or Juanita Brown at jbrown341@verizon.net.