When Sun City Anthem began chartering clubs some two decades ago, among the first in line were our club's co-founders Joel Charon, Alvin Tenner, and Larry and Marie Kaplan.
With the understanding that learning is a lifelong process, the goal of our founders was to maintain a live classroom environment. Consequently, they went to great lengths to secure talented, informative speakers who were willing and able to lecture on a myriad of subjects of interest to many in our senior community. Moreover, the founders arranged for the videotaping of every lecture. Today the club maintains a database of hundreds to DVDs that are available to be borrowed at no charge by any club member in good standing.
We should also mention that the founders created a Friday Discussion Group that focuses monthly on a controversial topic of current interest.
Joel, Al and Larry are no longer with us. Thank you, gentlemen, for your dedication and hard work that has made the Lifelong Learning club one of the most popular organizations on the Anthem campus.